Friday, January 28, 2011


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Aaron Morrow, known in the music and entertainment industry as Blowout, began as a disc jockey in the early 80's. Blowout's love for people and music has lead him to his career as the emcee that can be seen on stages throughout Texas. Blowout's fans love his humor, quick wit and antical stage/bike games, keeping crowds entertained and drawn to the stage. Career highlights; as of yet, include sharing the stage with Johnny Winters, Pat Travers, Jackyl, Outlaw Dave and many others. He enjoys organizing and participating in charitable events such as benefits and rides; where he can be found on stage as emcee and auctioneer. Blowout considers meeting and befriending members of the crowds and his fan base his reward for a job well done.
We're honored to have Blowout as our Emcee, once again.

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